

Last Chance to Submit Your 2020 Director of the Year Nominations

Director of the Year

It’s that time of year again… time to send in your nominations for the 2020 Campus Safety Director of the Year awards program. If you know a K-12 school, higher education or healthcare facility police chief, security director or emergency manager who goes above and beyond the call of duty, demonstrating outstanding leadership skills, ingenuity, selflessness and overall achievement, we encourage you to submit his or her (or your) nomination.


How to Win the Director of the Year Award

Campus Safety magazine (CS) created the Director of the Year awards program 13 years ago to honor the best and brightest executives in hospital, university and school security, law enforcement and emergency management. Since then, the program has highlighted a wide variety of achievements in the campus security community, according to CS Editor-in-Chief Robin Hattersley.

“Those accomplishments include everything from turning around a dysfunctional department, to upgrading emergency communications, to improving Clery or Joint Commission compliance, to adopting a trauma-informed approach to investigating sexual assaults and more,” says Hattersley. “I encourage those considering submitting nominations to review our coverage of past winners and finalists so you can get a good idea of the scope of achievements our Director of the Year program recognizes.”

For example, one of last year’s higher education winners, Ronald Hurley, associate vice president of public safety at New Jersey City University, created a crime prevention program called “Gotcha” where officers place stickers on unattended items left around campus. Thefts have decreased by 19%.

Prepare to Be Impressed: 2019 Director of the Year Finalists Shine Brighter than Ever

The other higher ed winner, James Johnson, assistant vice president for campus safety at the University of Texas at Austin, installed safety hubs at all primary building entrances that provide an identifiable, sole after-hours entry point that includes lighting, security cameras, access control, call boxes, AEDs and hemorrhage control kits.

K-12 winner Joseph Markham, executive director of security and support services at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, saved money by reducing the number of school bus fleet manufacturers his district uses. Now the school doesn’t need to store inventory of replacement parts from multiple manufacturers.

In 2018, the leadership of healthcare winner Mark Reed, director of support services at Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital in Los Angeles, enabled his department to prevent 221 illegal narcotic introductions and 293 dangerous weapons introductions by screening emergency department visitors.

Be Sure to Follow These 4 Steps 

Following these four steps will ensure your nomination has the best chance of getting the judges’ attention:

Clearly describe in a reasonable amount of detail the accomplishments of your nominee (submissions should be no more than 15 pages in length) Provide specific examples that demonstrate their achievements Whenever possible, provide quantifiable data as to why your nominee deserves to win Get your materials in on time (nominations are due Dec. 16), including recommendations from other administrators and employees

Winners Will Receive

Special editorial coverage and photos in a future issue of Campus Safety magazine as well as on CampusSafetyMagazine.com Recognition in the campus public safety, security and emergency management community Free admission to one of next year’s Campus Safety Conferences, as well as two nights at the conference hotel Finalists will also receive free admission to Campus Safety Conference East, which will take place July 12-14 in Washington, D.C. A custom trophy

Nominations are due Dec. 16. Good luck to all of our nominees. May the best director win!


The post Last Chance to Submit Your 2020 Director of the Year Nominations appeared first on Campus Safety Magazine.

Original author: CS Staff
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